A thin stray dog was seen walking along the side of the road, unshaven fur and thin build alarming onlookers. The dog was obviously afraid, however it also showed a strong need for human company, yet it was also wary and shy.
The dog was hesitant to jump at some food at first, as though it may be taken away at any time. The unfortunate animal had obviously been hungry for an unknown amount of time, as shown by its ferocious but cautious appetite.
A huge tumor protruding from its stomach, suggesting a protracted period of pain and neglect, was found distressingly upon closer scrutiny. Determining to ease its suffering, attempts were made to get medical assistance.
The dog needed surgery because of an inguinal hernia, as discovered when it was brought to a veterinarian. However, its life was seriously in danger from quick intervention because of its fragile condition. Rather, before undergoing surgery, the physician suggested giving weight growth and curing persistent skin problems first priority.
With the dog’s skin infected and fur like rags, careful brushing exposed the degree of its neglect. The dog fought and shook with terror, but eventually a much-needed wash was given, albeit with tremendous effort.
With the right drugs and attentive care, the dog started his road to recovery, hoping to be fully well in a month. Seeing such pain inspired empathy and a will to get the dog through its struggles and into a better, healthier future.