In the past year, the Lega Del Cane Trani rescue team has seen some of the saddest things. In Italy, a man was driving between Trani and Barletta when he saw something strange.
On the side of the road, a dog was only a few inches away from a broken bag. There were tears in the bag, which showed what a terrible situation this animal friend had been in.

It looked like everything led to him being put in that box to be thrown away. Even though he looked tired and lifeless, he was able to get away.
He was found by someone who called for help. They took him in and started taking care of him right away. The child was in a very bad situation.

He had a lot of trouble with his stomach. And because he didn’t trust anyone, it looked like no one could help him.
“The results of his tests are truly amazing.” Some organs are dying, and there is anaemia, hyperparathyroidism, liver failure, and anaemia. A representative of the Foundation says that his fatty gut system is clogged with stones and alien skins.

A lot of people would run away from something so bad, but this sad soft thing deserved to be happy.
He was very weak for a few weeks, but over time, he got stronger enough to stand and eat on his own.
He was given the name Kei even though he was very weak, and his biggest challenge was to restore hope in people.

Over time, he has made it easier for himself to trust people more. He seemed to know that he was getting stronger because of the doctor care.
After having such a hard past, it’s good to know that the dog got all the help he needed.

No living thing should be locked up and left alone in the middle of nowhere. Kei has a long way to go, and we hope that he will be taken in by a sweet family.
We are against the puppy’s abuse by speaking out. The people who did such a horrible act need to be punished for it.