An altruistic group of travelers came into a mother dog and her puppy running around aimlessly under a drainage pipe.
Both the mother and the puppy were extremely weak, with only skin and bones remaining. They had obviously been starving for quite some time. They were given a loaf of bread in a rush by the other people, but the puppy ate most of it.

Despite the group’s best efforts, they were unable to locate the rest of the litter. The sounds of anguish emitted by the mother dog and her youngster betrayed their terrible condition. They were able to be transported to a safe place and provided with food and milk by the group. They were unaware of the duration that the canines had gone without food.
The dogs started to get better as the days became into weeks. While the mother’s blood count increased, the puppy’s leukemia and blood count started to decline. Seeing the mother and puppy so clearly care for and adore one another was a touching sight.