A stray dog rummaging for food was the heartbreaking sight I came upon today while fishing by the river. Walking slowly up, I saw the miserable dog gnawing on something in the middle of a strong smell. It was eating the remnants of a deceased animal, perhaps a bird, to my horrification. The dog’s obvious survival on such dreadful food for some time was evidence of its hard conditions.
Compassionately intervening, I tried to keep the dog from eating the cadaver. It looked used to this surviving strategy despite my best attempts, which served as a sobering reminder of the terrible conditions that stray animals endure. The dog was really kind and trusting to me during its struggle, which let me console and help.

It took to me right away and walked excitedly home, where my own rescued dogs greeted it. My heart thrilled at their welcome and friendship, which strengthened my resolve to offer animals in need a safe place.
In the ensuing days, I looked after the dog’s mental and physical health while nurturing our newfound connection. Every encounter, from calming baths to wholesome meals, deepened our relationship and gave the once stray dog a sense of security and belonging.

Days stretched into weeks, and the dog fit right in with our family, making close relationships with people and other animals alike. I was very happy and grateful to see it become from a lone traveler to a beloved part of our family.
As I consider our trip together, I am struck by how much compassion and love can change an animal’s life. May we all keep offering compassion and safety to those in need so that every living thing is respected and loved.