The tale of Sam is incredibly painful, but it is heartening to witness the remarkable growth he has made as a result of the love and care that he has received. The fact that he had to spend his whole life living on the streets must have been quite challenging for him, especially considering that his crippled leg made it much more challenging for him to navigate his surroundings.
Sam was considered to be nothing more than a walking skeleton when he was discovered for the first time. His gaunt frame was a witness to the difficulties he had been through. Being unable to walk about in a comfortable manner was practically difficult for him due to his wounded leg, which further contributed to his sense of anguish.

Sam, however, was granted a second shot at life as a result of the act of charity displayed by those who discovered him. After being taken back to the shelter, he was provided with the medical treatment and care that he had been in critical need of from the beginning. His leg was treated, and he started on the path to recovery from his injury.
Sam shown an extraordinary amount of perseverance and tenacity in spite of the difficulties he encountered. He gained weight and regained his mobility as each day went by, and he became stronger and healthier as time went on. The amount of progress that he has made in such a short period of time is simply astonishing to witness.

Sam is an entirely different dog than he was yesterday. He has nearly completely recovered from the injury to his leg, and he has regained the weight that he had lost when he was living on the streets. Even more than that, he is able to run and play like any other dog, taking pleasure in all the things that life has to offer with his foster family.
The fact that Sam’s narrative came to a joyful conclusion is a source of encouragement. Following everything that he has gone through, he is deserving of the opportunity to live the remainder of his days in a home that is warm and caring, surrounded by people who care profoundly for him emotionally. It is possible that he began his life as a walking skeleton; yet, he has since become a brilliant symbol of perseverance and having hope.