Mayane Rodrigues saw something beautiful outside her Brazil flat window on a rainy, dark day.

Rodriguez saw a girl coming home from school while she was stopped on the wet pavement of the street below. Then she took off her coat, put down her umbrella, and hit the ground.
Then Rodriguez saw a wet stray dog lying at the girl’s feet and knew it was all for her.
What came next is this:
Rodriguez watched as the girl walked away with the dog in her arms. She sees her as an angel.
“We saw everything so quickly. “It made me cry,” Rodriguez told Dodo. “I sent the video to a friend, and he showed it to a church group. That’s how I learned who that angel was.”

She goes by the name Cibely Stiegelmair. She’s 12 years old. That day, she saved someone’s life.
Rejane Stiegelmair, Cibely’s mother, told The Dodo, “I was horrified when she arrived with the puppy because she was drenched in rain and sweat.”Her shirt had blood on it. She told me she found the puppy hurt, which made me think she was hurt.

The puppy didn’t get hurt too badly, thank goodness. A little love and care can fix anything.
When Cibley saw the puppy by itself, she knew she had to take care of it herself.
“Cibely has a good heart.” “She feels terrible about the stray dogs,” Rejane said. “She would bring them all home if she could.”
Cibely named the dog Pretinha, and he is very happy to see new people.

No one knows how Pretinha got stuck on the ground that day, but one thing is for sure: Cibely has made her future better than ever.
Mama said, “We are and always have been proud of Cibely as a child.” “But now we’re even more so!”