Not long ago, a heartbreaking picture of a dog in terrible need broke people’s hearts, and Stray Rescue of St. Louis got a call to help. Someone who was being a good neighbour called the non-profit group and asked for help.

No one knew how long the dog, who was saved and named Jessie, had been living on the streets, looking for food and barely making it. Because Jessie was in such bad shape, she had to be taken to the animal hospital. Staff and volunteers could smell the illness in the car, and her cuts were not new. She had a cut on her head that was really hurt, and her tongue was sticking out of her mouth.

As she got better, there were already signs that Jesse had won over the whole hospital staff:

THIS LITTLE GIRL IS SO CUTE. She is only a year old and weighs a little more than 20 pounds. Her swelling has gone down a lot, and we’ll see what happens when we give her a stuffed animal to cuddle with.
We also have great news from Stray Rescue of St. Louis about where Jessie is now because fans have been asking:

WE BRING JESSIE HOME TODAY. Our doctors and nurses have taken great care of her and helped her get to this point. We will never be able to thank them enough. TODAY, ALL SHE NEEDS TO DO IS GET TO KNOW US AND REST. Everyone who meets her says, “Oh, she’s so cute!”

Imagine how nice it must have been for Jessie to lay on her back in the sun for a while. Think about how she feels when everyone only says nice things about her and hugs her.

Thanks to all the people who helped her with her needs. She was able to stay in the hospital and get the medical care she needed thanks to your help.

She will soon have her surgeries planned, but in the meantime, she can rest with the foster family she chose. More news will be coming soon.

There is nothing more beautiful than a sad beginning that turns into a beautiful story of love and healing.